Family Engagement

Online Hornet Suggestion Box - Form for Providing Suggestions for Staff Review and Action


Lometa ISD understands the value of community and family in education.  We believe that it takes a strong partnership to ensure the social, emotional, and academic growth of our children.  We are committed to increasing the engagement of families and our community in the education process through the following efforts:

Building Lines of Communication

Lometa ISD utilizes a variety of methods both formal and informal in order to facilitate effective communication among members of our educational community including:

Giving Opportunity for Parent/Student/Staff Interaction

Lometa Parents are invited and encouraged to participate in a number of school events with their students such as the following:

Providing Extended Support Hours

Lometa ISD provides extended hours through the After School Program to students, parents, and community members for:

Increasing Family Input in Decision Making

Lometa ISD encourages parents to be involved in local decision-making and information gathering.

Parent Surveys

Providing Technology Access and Assistance

Encouraging Professional Growth Among Staff

***Such trainings focus upon topics related to meeting to student and family needs such as: