COVID-19 Information

Lometa ISD Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Learning Plan

Lometa ISD is conducting a required 1 year update of our Lometa ISD Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Learning Plan.  This plan is associated with Covid relief funds provided to schools in response to the pandemic.  The plan can be viewed on the Lometa ISD Covid webpage: 

Stakeholder survey input helps the school determine the best use of available funds.

Lometa ISD Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Learning Plan

Lometa ISD - Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Learning Plan2-10-2023.pdf

Lometa ISD Regreso Seguro a la Instruccion en Persona - Plan de Continuidad del Aprendizaje

Lometa ISD - Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Learning Plan2-10-2023-Spanish.pdf

Lometa ISD Asynchronous Remote Instruction Plan 2021-2022

Lometa ISD - Remote Instruction Plan - Asynchronous Model - 2021-2022.pdf

ESSER III Grant Information - Covid Learning Loss Mitigation

ESSER III - Stakeholder Input and Timeline

Lometa ISD ESSER III Spending Plan

Lometa ISD ESSER III Spending Plan.pdf

Lometa ISD ESSER III Pasar Plan

Translated copy of Lometa ISD ESSER III Spending Plan-Spanish.pdf

ARP ESSER Funding Survey - February 2023

Lometa Hornets - Students, Staff, Parents and Friends: Lometa ISD has been awarded ESSER III Covid relief stimulus funding.  This funding may be used over the next three years to address Covid-related issues connected to learning loss, barriers to learning, health, student safety and wellness, and other needs.  In order to access and implement our award, we are requesting input from school and community stakeholders.  Please take a moment to fill out the following survey in English or Spanish.

Lometa Hornets - Estudiantes, personal, padres y amigos: Lometa ISD ha recibido fondos de estímulo de ayuda de ESSER III Covid. Estos fondos se pueden utilizar durante los próximos tres años para abordar problemas relacionados con Covid, como la pérdida de aprendizaje, las barreras al aprendizaje, la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes y otras necesidades. Para acceder e implementar nuestro premio, estamos solicitando aportes de las partes interesadas de la escuela y la comunidad. Tómese un momento para completar la siguiente encuesta en inglés o español.